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Citizens of Heaven

But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ. Philippians 3:20

My daughter loves riding horses. Throughout the week, she anticipates seeing her favorite horse, Moose, aptly named for his size. She suits up every Saturday morning excitedly, and we take the scenic drive to the stables. She knows all there is to know about Moose, his likes, dislikes, and what makes him happy or afraid. She spends hours riding and caring for the horses. She is happiest at the stables and feels very much at home there.

Watching my daughter's genuine affection and dedication to these horses has inspired me to reflect on my relationship with God. What about my approach to God? Do I eagerly anticipate attending church on Sundays or midweek meetings? Am I searching the Scriptures to understand God's heart and to learn what pleases or displeases Him?

If you asked my daughter if she has to go horseback riding every week, she wouldn't tell you she "has to" go. She would tell you she "gets to" go. It doesn't feel like an obligation to her because it isn't. She counts it a privilege and realizes we pay a steep price for those lessons. We do it because we love her. 

What about you and me? Do we approach our time with God with a "have to" mindset, or do we embrace the "get to" perspective? We find comfort, encouragement, and strength in God's presence - something we all need to navigate the days ahead. Without that, life can feel overwhelming, and we could find ourselves too focused on the temporal rather than the eternal.

Let's make the most of every opportunity to linger in God's presence and remind ourselves that this world is not our ultimate destination. Because of God's extravagant love, we "get to" go to Heaven!


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