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The Advocate

But very truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.   - John 16:7 NIV

Parents hold the responsibility of making decisions for their children—decisions they may not always understand.

When little, children don’t understand why they can’t play with matches or put objects into an electrical outlet. Teens may not understand why they have a curfew. They do not recognize the potential for danger—and they certainly don’t understand we do what we do out of love.

Before Jesus ascended to heaven, He explained to His disciples that it was good for them that He depart. Otherwise, the Advocate would not come. The disciples had walked with Jesus for three years and had observed His miracles, His compassion, and His power over stormy seas. I imagine they came to look at Him not only as their teacher but also as their trusted and cherished friend. Now He told them His leaving was good for them. They had to know persecution loomed ahead and that they would need their leader. They thought He would restore the kingdom to Israel, but He was returning to the Father.

The disciples didn’t know Jesus’ departure would lead to their empowerment. Instead, they fretted. Jesus promised them the help of the Holy Spirit who would lead them into all truth and tell them things yet to come.

We, too, often forget we are not by ourselves. We have been given the same Spirit that led the early church. It is vital that we are cognizant of the Holy Spirit who indwells us. Jesus is with us as He was when He walked the earth with His disciples.

As we follow God, His Spirit empowers us, leading us to accomplish God’s purposes on earth. He has placed at our disposal the promise of direction, comfort, and counsel. We are not alone. He promised not to leave us as orphans but to come to us when we call.

When you feel lonely or uncertain, remember God’s Spirit is with you. God loves you and offers all you will ever need.



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