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The Weaving of Our Lives

Jacob exclaimed, "You are robbing me of my children! Joseph is gone! Simeon is gone! And now you want to take Benjamin, too. Everything is going against me!"   - Genesis 42:36 NLT

When things go sideways, it seems they occur in quick succession.

Several years ago, my dishwasher broke, resulting in water causing extensive damage to our wood floors. Shortly after, our septic tank overflowed, and then a furniture delivery led to a paint job.

Unexpected costs and unforeseen circumstances can deplete us, causing us to feel like everything is against us. I realize these are minor inconveniences compared to life-altering events others may face. I’ve been there too.

The patriarch Jacob experienced his fair share of loss and grief. Some know what it is to lose a child, a spouse, or a lucrative career. Like Jacob, we may wonder why everything is devolving. Does God see? Does He care?

God’s dealings with us may seem harsh, but we must trust His heart. He has a purpose and design in allowing pain. We worry because we can’t see the cross-stitch He weaves from the fabric of our lives. Although we can’t see the pattern, our loving Father masterfully creates something beautiful from the ashes of our lives.

God has a mysterious way of narrowing our circumstances until He has us where He needs us—perfectly still, whether by pain or loss, so that He can work. Little did Jacob know God would use his circumstances to rescue an entire nation. In the end, God redeemed all Jacob had endured. Every ounce of his suffering brought about a greater good for God’s people.

The trials of life are meant to teach us God’s ways. He does not waste pain. Instead, He uses it to make us firm, steadfast, and faithful.

Perhaps you’re wondering why God has allowed adversity in your life. Having walked through trials, I can confidently say, you can trust His heart. He is working all things together for your good. Rest in that truth.



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